사람들의 선(善)을 중시하는 문화를 구축하면서 – 파트너와 세상을 위해 싸우는 옴니레이저

문화는 우리에게 모든 것입니다

우리는 믿었습니다. 우리가 긍정적인 변화를 통해 세상에 영향을 미친다고 믿었습니다. 우리는 아무리 작은 것이라도 세상을 더 좋게 변화시킬 수 있다고 믿었습니다. 우리는 할 수 있다고 믿었고, 또 그렇게 하였습니다.

옴니레이즈(OmniRaise)는 믿음과 변화의 문화에서 탄생하였습니다. 우리는 선(善)을 믿습니다. 우리는 단지 말만 하는 것이 아니라 행동에 옮기고 있습니다. 우리는 소매를 걷어붙이고 매일 하는 일에 정성을 다하고 있습니다.

   옴니레이즈에서 우리는 우리가 하는 일을 사랑하지만, 더 나은 세상을 만들기 위해 우리의 목소리와 마음을 활용하는 것이 우리의 일에 의미를 부여해주고 있습니다. 우리는 ‘핵심 가치(Core Values)’의 지침에 따르고 있습니다. 우리가 하는 모든 일에 있어, 서로를 지원해주면서 오로지 자선사업에 최선을 다하기 위해서 노력합니다. 여러분과 함께 우리는 모두를 위한 평등하고 공정하며 정의로운 세상을 만들고 싶습니다.

  여기서 우리의 가치(Values)를 읽어보고, 만일 우리의 가치에 공감한다면, 여러분은 옴니레이저(OmniRaiser)가 되기 위한 필요한 덕목을 갖추게 되는 셈입니다.

무엇을 할 수 있는지가 더 중요하다

당신이 옴니레이즈에 동참할 때, 당신이 어디에 있는지 보다 

원격 근무

  우리는 옴니레이즈에서 원격 근무의 미래에 대한 비전을 설정하고 있습니다. 당신이 재택근무 기간, 또는 언제 어디서 옴니레이즈에 동참할 때나, 우리는 새로운 협업 방식을 탐구하고 적용합니다.

  모든 직위는 동일한 혜택과 지원을 받습니다. 이제 아시아 전역에 걸쳐 원격 근무가 가능합니다. 연락처를 통해 당신의 이력서를 남기고, 원격 근무에 관심이 있음을 알려주세요. 그러면 당신의 프로필과 일치하는 일이 있으면 연락드리겠습니다.

  “우리는 우리 사람들을 성장시키고 지원하는 데 매몰차게 집중합니다. 우리는 모든 성공이 우리 사람들로부터 나온다는 사실을 알고 있습니다.”

“우리는 우리 사람들을 성장시키고 지원하는 데 매몰차게 집중합니다. 우리는 모든 성공이 우리 사람들로부터 나온다는 사실을 알고 있습니다.”

– Luke Heffernan, 경영책임자

Women @ OmniRaise

  2021년은 옴니레이즈가 ‘세계 여성의 날’을 수용하고 기념한 지 3년이 되는 해입니다. 이 날에는 우리 여성 직원들이 해낸 놀라운 일을 인지하고 감사하며, 매일 그 일을 계속하고 있습니다.

  옴니레이즈가 단 3년 만에 성공한 이유는, 바로 개인의 능력과 기술을 중시했기 때문입니다. 우리는 성별이 균형 잡힌 근무공간을 만들기 위해 일하는 동시에, 남성도 여성도 아닌 사람들(non-binary)에게 또한 차별 없는 환경을 만들기 위해 지속적으로 노력하고 있습니다.

Women @ OmniRaise

2021년은 옴니레이즈가 ‘세계 여성의 날’을 수용하고 기념한 지 3년이 되는 해입니다. 이 날에는 우리 여성 직원들이 해낸 놀라운 일을 인지하고 감사하며, 매일 그 일을 계속하고 있습니다.

옴니레이즈가 단 3년 만에 성공한 이유는, 바로 개인의 능력과 기술을 중시했기 때문입니다. 우리는 성별이 균형 잡힌 근무공간을 만들기 위해 일하는 동시에, 남성도 여성도 아닌 사람들(non-binary)에게 또한 차별 없는 환경을 만들기 위해 지속적으로 노력하고 있습니다.

Diversity & Inclusion

  우리가 이것을 실천한다고 말할 수 있는 것보다, 우리가 얼마나 다양하고 포괄적인지를 강조할 수 있는 더 좋은 방법이 무엇일까요. 아시아와 호주 전역에 400명 이상의 직원이 있는 옴니레이저들은 다양한 국적, 인종 및 종교적 배경을 가지고 있습니다. 모든 옴니레이즈 업무 현장은 안전하고 평등한 공간이며, 우리는 직원들에게 긍정적인 차이를 제공하기 위해 전념을 다하고 있습니다.

  모든 옴니레이즈 업무공간은 당신 스스로가 될 수 있고 독특할 수 있습니다. 그것이 바로 우리를 특별하게 만들고 우리가 성공하는 이유입니다. 바로 당신이 될 수 있다는 것을 기억하세요. – 우리가 당신을 지원합니다.

Diversity & Inclusion

우리가 이것을 실천한다고 말할 수 있는 것보다, 우리가 얼마나 다양하고 포괄적인지를 강조할 수 있는 더 좋은 방법이 무엇일까요. 아시아와 호주 전역에 400명 이상의 직원이 있는 옴니레이저들은 다양한 국적, 인종 및 종교적 배경을 가지고 있습니다. 모든 옴니레이즈 업무 현장은 안전하고 평등한 공간이며, 우리는 직원들에게 긍정적인 차이를 제공하기 위해 전념을 다하고 있습니다.

모든 옴니레이즈 업무공간은 당신 스스로가 될 수 있고 독특할 수 있습니다. 그것이 바로 우리를 특별하게 만들고 우리가 성공하는 이유입니다. 바로 당신이 될 수 있다는 것을 기억하세요. – 우리가 당신을 지원합니다.

우리 팀의 생각

“매일 새로운 날이 당신의 인생을 바꿀 또 다른 기회입니다. 이 새로운 날의 파워를 어제의 고난으로 희석시키지 마세요.” 이 말은 수년 동안 매일 나의 주문이었습니다. 데이터 분석가가 되어, 만일 내가 어제 실수했다면 다음 날 문제를 일으키지 않는 대신, 오늘 더 잘할 거라는 사실을 배웠습니다.

Koh, 태국의 데이터 분석가

“전념을 다한다면 어려울 게 아무 것도 없다!” 옴니레이즈는 내가 한때 불가능하다고 생각했던 일들을 확실히 해내게 만들어 주었습니다. 내가 틀에서 벗어날 생각을 품도록 해준 자유와 팀의 지속적인 지원에 감사드립니다!

Katrina, 말레이시아 수석 데이터 실행자

당신이 최고가
될 곳에서


당신이 최고가 될 곳에서

오늘 우리 팀에 합류하여 세상을 변화시키세요.
우리 사람, 우리 파트너 및 옴니레이즈에 대한 최신 뉴스 & 기사

“Raise the Bar”


We are big thinkers. We push our limits. We also push ourselves beyond what is expected of us. We also push our limits, because we think big. We want to be the best versions of ourselves every day, and we want to be the best in our field.

• You never limit your plans or goals to “what’s been achieved in the past” because you always think big

• You are always open to learning and feedback so that you can grow

• You believe everyone can be better every day, and have that growth mindset to match

• You constantly think about innovating or making things better every day, no matter how small

“You Make a Living by What You Earn,
but a Life by What You Give”


We are in the business of giving. It’s what we do every day, and we make it a point to practice what we preach. We want to inspire generosity every day with our colleagues, our vendors, our customers, and even ourselves.

  • There is no ‘me’ or ‘I’ when you talk about success. It is always a big, loud, resounding ‘Us’.
  • You constantly think about how you can help others around you succeed
  • You share your expertise and offer help to those who need it without seeking anything in return
  • You seek what is best for OmniRaise and all OmniRaisers, and not just for yourself or your immediate group
  • You never give up easily on people and you never judge; you assume positive intentyou’re you forgive when someone errs
  • You are a leader or a colleague who sees everyone as having great potential and you consistently seek to maximise their full potential
  • You never, ever, will play favourites. You treat everyone as equals

“No First World Problems Here”


We’re serving some of the world’s poorest and working to eradicate some of the biggest problems in the world. So, it’s important to stay grateful for what we have. This includes remembering the positive things in our lives, and to always act with perspective and a sense of humility rather than arrogance.

Jeff Bezos puts customers first – and always leaves a seat at the table of any meeting for “The Customer”. As OmniRaisers, we should always act like our beneficiaries are at the table. Think: Would we be proud of what they see? Would they be inspired seeing how we are?

  • You greet people every day
  • You are respectful of each other’s time
  • You value the perspectives everyone brings to the team, no matter how different
  • You recognise efforts even when things go wrong
  • You say ‘Thank You’ often, especially to those who are rarely thanked

“No Task is Beneath Anyone; Go to the Ground”

Lead from the Front

Leaders get involved at the frontline every day to inspire through leading from the front. They strive to stay connected with what’s going on, and work on building relationships at all levels. Leaders aim to inspire every day and see the best in everyone.

  • You build relationships at all levels
  • You become a support system if something has gone wrong; there is such a thing as good micromanagement when needed
  • You continuously inspire those around you by getting the results you expect and demand of yourself. You set that strong example
  • You avoid abusing your power and authority no matter the situation

“Never, Never, Never Give Up”


You push through the hard times and don’t give when times get hard. You always maintain a positive and productive outlook.

  • You take accountability for problems and come up with good solutions
  • You have an internal – rather than external – locus of control for you to keep going and improving

“Manchester United/Chelsea”

Respectful Competition

When doing business, oftentimes your competitors are your enemy. The culture is such that it is viewed as normal to seek to cut each other down. However, we believe that competition with our counterparts (or contemporaries) can be good competition – done in a friendly way that pushes us to be our best. After all, competition is healthy.

Here’s the deal: We believe that our vision and goals are big enough that there will always be opportunities, and everyone can achieve great things.

  • You believe in healthy competition
  • You are very much attuned to how others around you are performing
  • You never shy away from setting mini competitions or goals with those around you
  • You aim high, no questions
  • You never seek to compete with others to bring them down, rather you do so to build them up
  • You do not gossip about colleagues. You also do not get unduly jealous or act mala fide towards other colleagues

“Results the Right Way”


Make it a point to hit the right note and have a ‘Meet Me Halfway’ attitude. Always balance quality with volume and make it your personal goal to deliver the right quality work; never come up with temporary fixes as a band-aid when faced with problems. Remember, if you don’t, it will impact people around you – whether you see it or not.

  • There is never a choice between volume and quality – you always seek to maximise both
  • You do not procrastinate – you tackle decision-making and work quickly and head-on
  • You identify root causes and get beyond treating symptoms. You always dig deep

“We’re in it for the Long Haul”


We’re in the business of building sustainable long-term income for our clients. Beyond that, we also want to be a sustainable business – one that can survive the test of time. We look at things in the long-term and value long-term impact over short term results in everything we do.

  • You work on solutions that will work in the long run
  • You show patience for results and progress
  • You only look at what will be sustainable for all clients
  • You think about the impact – both positive and negative – of our actions on the environment and communities around us, and seek to maximise only positive impact

“Tell it Like How it is”


You voice your opinion when it’s in the best interest of OmniRaise, even if it is uncomfortable. You never sugarcoat.

  • You question behaviours that are inconsistent with our values
  • You only say things about fellow employees that you say to their face
  • You are someone who can admit to your mistakes freely and openly
  • You create a safe space where one can feel comfortable in speaking up and sharing differing views
  • You constantly seek to improve performance by providing honest feedback on strengths and development to team members

“I’ve got your back”


“I’ve got your back.” At OmniRaise we support each other and always have each other’s backs. No politics or blame, and no silos – we’re in it together.

  • You challenge people around you. You do so from a kind place, as you know the best way to be supportive is to challenge people to be better
  • You aren’t soft on people. You’re kind and supportive when you need to be, and equally tough when you need to be, to push people to be their best selves.
  • The goal of our leaders is to serve, to support. Leaders work for their teams, not the other way around.

“Work Smart, Work Hard”


At OmniRaise, we don’t value a ‘Work Smart Alone’ mentality. Rather, we value work ethic, and we make it a point to be dedicated and focused to the causes we champion with the charities we represent.

  • You work hard
  • You use momentum when you get it. There will be bad days, and there will be good days. You will use your highs from your good days, and will use your resilience from your bad days to keep pushing on
  • You will see a ‘win’ on your best days, and a challenge on your harder days, and you will keep going

“Change is the Only Constant”


Pivot and Adapt: You always have a plan, but are prepared to change in an instant. You work well within our systems and processes but are constantly looking for ways to strengthen or improve it

  • You embrace change openly and champion it within the organisation
  • You never say “That’s the way we have always done it here”. Pivot where necessary
  • You combine your intuition when using data to make informed decisions, but you also question processes or systems to impact positive change

“기준의 상향”


  우리는 크게 생각하는 사람들입니다. 우리는 스스로의 한계를 뛰어 넘습니다. 우리는 또한 우리에게 기대되는 것 이상으로 스스로를 밀어붙입니다. 우리는 크게 생각하기 때문에 역시 한계를 극복하고 있습니다. 우리는 매일 스스로의 최고 버전을 원하며, 우리 분야에서 최고가 되기를 원하고 있습니다.

  • 여러분은 항상 크게 생각하기 때문에, 계획이나 목표를 ‘과거에 달성한 것’으로 결코 제한하지 않습니다.
  • 여러분은 성장할 수 있도록 학습과 피드백을 항상 수용합니다.
  • 여러분은 모든 사람이 매일 더 나아질 수 있다고 믿기에, 그에 걸맞은 성장하는 마음가짐을 가지고 있습니다.
  • 여러분은 아무리 작은 것이라도 매일 혁신하거나 더 나은 것을 만들기 위해 지속적으로 생각합니다.

“여러분은 수입에 따라 살아가지만, 인생은 여러분이 베푸는 것에 따라 좌우된다.”


  우리는 베푸는 사업을 하고 있습니다. 그것은 우리가 매일 하는 일이며, 우리가 전도하는 것의 실천을 강조합니다. 우리는 동료, 공급업체, 고객, 심지어 우리 스스로에게 매일 관용을 베풀려고 합니다.

  • 여러분이 성공에 대해 얘기할 때 ‘나’는 없습니다. 그것은 항상 거대하고 큰소리로 울려퍼지는 ‘우리’입니다.
  • 여러분은 주변 사람들의 성공을 도울 수 있는 방법에 대해 끊임없이 생각합니다.
  • 여러분은 자신의 전문 지식을 공유하고, 어떤 대가도 없이 그것을 필요로 하는 사람들에게 도움을 제공합니다.
  • 여러분은 자신이나 직계 그룹만이 아니라, 옴니레이즈와 모든 옴니레이저들에게 최고의 것을 추구합니다.
  • 여러분은 결코 사람들을 쉽게 포기하지 않고 판단하지 않습니다; 당신은 긍정적인 의도를 가정하며, 누군가가 실수할 때 용서합니다.
  • 여러분은 지도자이거나 모든 사람이 커다란 잠재력을 갖고 있다고 보는 동료이며, 그들의 가득 찬 잠재력을 최대화하기 위해 지속적으로 노력합니다.
  • 여러분은 단연코 절대 마음에 드는 것들만 하지 않을 겁니다. 당신은 모든 사람을 평등하게 대합니다.

“우선적인 세계문제란 없다”


  우리는 세계에서 가장 가난한 사람들에게 봉사하고, 세계에서 가장 큰 문제들을 해결하기 위해 일하고 있습니다. 그러므로 우리가 가진 것에 감사하는 태도가 중요합니다. 여기에는 항상 우리 삶의 긍정적인 것들을 기억하고, 오만보다는 균형적인 관점과 겸손으로 행동하는 것이 포함됩니다.

  Jeff Bezos는 고객들을 최우선에 두며, ‘고객’을 위해 회의 테이블의 자리를 언제나 마련해둡니다. 옴니레이저로서 우리는 항상 수혜자가 테이블에 있는 것처럼 행동해야 합니다. 생각해보세요: 우리가 그들이 본 것을 자랑스럽게 여길까요? 아니면, 그들이 우리의 모습을 보고 영감을 받을까요?

  • 여러분은 매일 사람들을 맞이합니다.
  • 여러분은 서로서로의 시간을 존중합니다.
  • 여러분은 아무리 다르다 하더라도 모든 사람이 팀에 제공하는 관점을 가치 있게 여기고 있습니다.
  • 여러분은 일이 잘못되어도 노력을 인정합니다.
  • 여러분은 ‘고맙다’는 말을 자주 합니다. 특히 거의 감사하지 않는 사람에게도.
  • 여러분은 ‘우선적인 세계문제’로 간주되는 것들에 대해 불평을 하지 않습니다.
  • 여러분은 집중하고 긍정적인 태도를 유지하기 위해 매일 감사 일기를 쓰려고 노력합니다.

“어떤 일도 사람 밑에 없다; 바닥으로 내려가라”

선두에 서라

  지도자는 선두를 지휘하여 영감을 주기 위해 매일 최전선에서 일을 합니다. 그들은 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 계속 연계 짓기 위해 노력하고, 모든 수준에서 관계를 구축하기 위해 일하고 있습니다. 지도자는 매일 영감을 주고 모두들 가운데서 적임자 찾기를 목표로 합니다.

  • 여러분은 모든 수준에서 관계를 구축합니다.
  • 여러분은 무슨 일이 잘못 돌아가면 지원 시스템이 됩니다; 필요할 때는 훌륭한 세부 관리자로서의 기능도 합니다.
  • 여러분은 자신에게 기대하고 요구하는 결과를 얻음으로써 주변인들에게 지속적으로 영감을 줍니다. 당신은 그렇게 강력한 모범을 보입니다.
  • 여러분은 상황에 관계없이 권한과 권위를 남용하지 않습니다.

“절대, 절대, 절대로 포기하지 마”


  당신은 어려운 시기를 이겨내고, 상황이 어려워질 때를 야기하지 않습니다. 당신은 항상 긍정적이고 생산적인 사고방식을 유지합니다.

  • 여러분은 문제에 대한 책임을 지고 좋은 해결책을 제시합니다.
  • 여러분은 계속 진행하고 개선하기 위한 내적(외적이라기보다) 통제 위치를 가지고 있습니다.

“맨체스터 유나이티드 & 첼시”

존중하는 경쟁

  비즈니스를 할 때 종종 당신의 경쟁자는 바로 적이 됩니다. 문화란 서로를 깎아내리려 하는 것이 정상적으로 비춰지는 바로 그런 겁니다. 하지만 우리는 상대방(또는 동시대인)과의 경쟁이 좋은 경쟁이 될 수 있다고, 즉 우리가 최선을 다하도록 밀어붙이는 우호적인 방법이라고 믿습니다. 결국 경쟁은 건강한 것입니다.

  여기 거래가 있습니다: 우리는 우리의 비전과 목표가 충분히 커서 항상 기회가 있고, 모든 사람이 위대한 일을 성취할 수 있다고 믿습니다.

  • 여러분은 건전한 경쟁을 믿습니다.
  • 여러분은 주변 사람들의 성과에 매우 잘 맞춥니다.
  • 여러분은 주변 사람들과의 작은 경쟁이나 목표 설정을 부끄러워하지 않습니다.
  • 여러분은 의심할 여지없이 목표를 높게 설정합니다.
  • 여러분은 결코 다른 사람을 무너뜨리기 위해서가 아니라, 오히려 그들을 일으키기 위해 경쟁합니다.
  • 여러분은 동료에 대한 험담을 하지 않습니다. 또한 다른 동료들에게 과도하게 질투하거나 악의를 품지 않습니다.

“올바른 방법으로 귀착”


  반드시 올바른 건반을 치도록 하고, 타협하는 자세를 취하세요. 항상 질과 양의 균형을 유지하고, 올바른 품질의 과업 제공을 개인적인 목표로 삼으세요; 문제에 직면했을 때 반창고로 임시 해결책을 찾지 마세요. 그렇지 않으면 보이든 아니든 주변 사람들에게 영향 미친다는 것을 기억하세요.

  • 질과 양 사이에는 선택의 여지가 없으니, 여러분은 항상 두 가지 모두의 극대화를 추구합니다.
  • 여러분은 꾸물거리지 않고, 의사 결정에 맞닥뜨려 신속하게 똑바로 일을 합니다.
  • 여러분은 근본 원인을 파악하고, 증상 치료를 넘어서 항상 깊이 파고듭니다.

“우리는 긴 여정 속에 있다”

지속 가능성

  우리는 고객을 위해 지속 가능한 장기수익 창출 사업을 하고 있습니다. 그 외에도 우리는 시간의 시험을 견뎌낼 수 있는 지속 가능한 비즈니스를 원합니다. 우리는 장기적으로 사물을 바라보고, 우리가 하는 모든 일에서 단기 결과보다 장기적 영향을 더 중시합니다.

  • 여러분은 장기적으로 작업해야 할 해법을 근거로 일을 합니다.
  • 여러분은 결과와 진행 상황에 대해 인내심을 보입니다.
  • 여러분은 모든 고객에게 지속 가능한 것들만 주시합니다.
  • 여러분은 우리의 행동이 주변의 환경과 공동체에 미치는 긍정적-부정적 영향에 대해 생각하고, 긍정적인 영향만을 최대화하려고 합니다.

“있는 그대로 말하라”


  당신은 심지어 불편하더라도 옴니레이즈에 최상의 이익이 될 때 당신의 의견을 표명합니다. 당신은 결코 사탕발림을 하지 않습니다.

  • 여러분은 우리의 가치와 일치하지 않는 행동들에 의문을 제기합니다.
  • 여러분은 동료 직원에 대해 그들 앞에서만 말을 합니다.
  • 여러분은 자신의 실수를 자유롭고 공개적으로 인정할 수 있는 사람입니다.
  • 여러분은 서로 다른 의견을 말하고 공유하는 데 안락함을 느낄 수 있는 안전한 공간을 만듭니다.
  • 여러분은 팀원들에게 장점과 발전에 대한 정직한 피드백을 제공해줌으로써 성과 향상을 지속적으로 추구합니다.

“내가 당신을 도와준다”


  “내가 도와 드릴게요.” 옴니레이즈에서 우리는 서로서로 지원하고, 항상 서로 도와주고 있습니다. 정치나 비난은 물론, 어떠한 비밀 창고도 없으며, 우리는 함께 합니다.

  • 여러분은 주변 사람들에게 도전합니다. 지원해주는 최고의 방법이, 당신은 사람들이 더 나아지도록 도전하는 것임을 알기 때문에 어떠한 곳에서든 그렇게 합니다.
  • 여러분은 사람들에게 항상 부드럽지 않습니다. 당신은 필요할 때 친절하고 지지해주면서도, 사람들이 최고가 되기 위해 밀어붙여야 할 필요가 있으면 똑같이 터프한 사람이 됩니다.
  • 우리 지도자들의 목표는 봉사하고 지원하는 것입니다. 지도자는 스스로를 위해서가 아니라 자신의 팀을 위해 일합니다.

“똑똑하게 일하고 열심히 일하라”


  옴니레이즈에서는 ‘혼자 스마트하게 일하라’는 사고방식을 경시합니다. 오히려 우리는 직업윤리를 중시하며, 우리가 표방하는 자선단체를 통해 우리가 옹호하는 대의에 헌신하고 집중하는 태도를 강조합니다.

  • 여러분은 열심히 일합니다.
  • 여러분은 탄력을 받았을 때 그것을 활용합니다. 나쁜 날도 있고 좋은 날도 있을 것입니다. 당신은 좋은 날의 정점을 이용하고, 나쁜 날의 복원력을 활용하여 계속 밀어붙일 겁니다.
  • 여러분은 최고의 날에는 ‘승리’를, 힘든 날에는 도전을 보고서 계속 나아갈 겁니다.

“변화는 유일한 상수”


  중심점으로 선회하여 적응하세요: 당신은 항상 계획이 있지만, 즉시 변경할 준비도 되어 있습니다. 당신은 우리의 시스템과 프로세스 내에서 일을 잘 하지만, 그것을 강화하거나 개선할 방법을 끊임없이 추구하고 있습니다.

  • 여러분은 변화를 공개적으로 수용하고 조직 내에서 이를 옹호합니다.
  • 여러분은 “그것은 우리가 여기에서 항상 해왔던 방식”이라고 결코 말하지 않습니다. 필요한 곳에서 선회하세요.
  • 여러분은 정통한 결정을 내리기 위해 데이터를 사용할 때 직관력을 결부시키지만, 또한 긍정적인 변화에 영향을 미치는 프로세스나 시스템에도 의문을 제기합니다.

“Bekerja Cerdas, Bekerja Keras”


Di OmniRaise, kami tidak menghargai mentalitas ‘Bekerja Cerdas Sendiri’. Sebaliknya, kami menghargai etos kerja, dan kami menjadikannya sebagai tujuan untuk berdedikasi dan fokus pada tujuan yang kami perjuangkan bersama organisasi amal yang kami wakili.

  • Kamu bekerja keras.
  • Kamu memanfaatkan momentum saat mendapatkannya. Akan ada hari-hari buruk, dan akan ada hari-hari baik. Kamu akan menggunakan kegembiraan dari hari-hari baikmu, dan akan menggunakan ketahanan dari hari-hari burukmu untuk terus maju.
  • Kamu akan melihat ‘kemenangan’ di hari terbaikmu, dan tantangan di hari-hari sulitmu, dan kamu akan terus maju.
“Forget the risk and take the fall if it’s what you want then it’s worth it after all”.

Dave Lee

General Manager

Dave has been involved with the fundraising industry since 2008. Dave has worked across over 40 different NGO accounts in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. He’s worked in numerous roles – leading teams telemarketing fundraising teams, managing data, handling IT platforms – but now he’s joined OmniRaise to get back to his roots of fundraising on the ground and leading teams. He now leads one of our largest Face to Face Marketing teams in Kuala Lumpur, which has grown to over 20 people. Known fondly as the “Korean Lion”, he is one of our star fundraisers who always lifts the results wherever he is. He’s also a much-loved leader who relentlessly supports and develops his leaders and fundraisers. His deep experience in fundraising and knowledge of the industry also makes him a “go-to” person for many people across the team from our HR to our events to our Data team. He plays a very supportive role across the Malaysian operations and has been a key success factor in our growth there to date.


Why did you join Omniraise?

Sales and Marketing (Fundraising) for NGO’s is unlike typical sales roles, and due to its nature, it requires an individual with not only operational and management experience. But, also a deep understanding of fundraising and what client’s needs are and I feel that I can contribute this knowledge and skillset to better serve the community and raise funds for the world’s most urgent causes


Why do you love working at Omniraise?

I love working for Omniraise because of the culture and staff. Seeing the development of other staff gives me a sense of empowerment and also working to solve the world’s urgent causes gives a huge sense of achievement that is hard to find in other jobs.


I’m a foodie so I love exploring different cafes and trying out different food.

“When you see a problem that’s too big, let’s step back and look again.”

Jirayut Kraikruan (O)

Event Partnerships Manager

Bachelor of Political Science in International Relations and used to work with Double A company in Buying wood manager position.


Why did you join Omniraise?

The first time I heard that Omniraise was working with a global organization. That makes it easy to decide to work here. Because I love to contribute to the betterment of society.


Why do you love working at Omniraise?

It is an organization that offers opportunities to design your way of work and constantly new challenges to improve yourself. And most importantly is a good-natured co-worker.


Your favorite causes:

The UNHCR cares for humanity in need.



Drummer of TELELLAMA band

Kaewkanjana Phoyoo (Lookkaew)

Business Development Manager

Lookkaew has diverse experiences with leading companies in Thailand, from education, to executive recruitment, and to consulting for organizations. These contributed understanding and insights across industries, especially people and cultures in an organization. Lookkaew is graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Kasetsart University. During her 4 years in college, she has been representative for the faculty in various key activities. With the passion to work with people and her critical thinking and communication skills, she started her career as an educational consultant at Wall Street English. With her dedication to solve the problems and inspire students, within only 8 months Lookkaew had been promoted to a senior consultant and responsible for the branch’s team members.

After that, Lookkaew got the opportunity to work in an executive recruitment agency where she gained solid knowledge and insights by working with those in management positions, from retail, consumer goods, real estate, logistics, and to transportation. These experiences formulated “the perspectives” of the management, understanding the turnover issue from employee and employer angles. Before joining OmniRaise, she worked for a large organization reputed in executive development for more than 28 years. She expanded her knowledge by closely working with the executives from industries like financial, energy, medical device as well as a state enterprise. She learned the significance of people development especially in the currently disruptive world and the trend of prioritizing executive’s skill development despite their prior experience and skills for ever-changing world situations.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

From my experience across industries, every organization focuses on improving their people, business, and companies; they sparked my greater interest to work for the improvement of our larger communities. And there are challenges and inspiration in the works every day. Having the opportunity to work with OmniRaise makes me very proud. Because not only we work to help our society and the world, we could also pass on “the feelings of being a giver” we get every day to many others as well as making Thai society a true giving society.


Your favorite causes:

Every project that is made in society is all the causes that I care about whether it is human rights, education, or the environment. Because in every cause what they lack is “Opportunity” that I see if today we could be a part of providing this to the society in need. I am ready to do whatever it takes.

Sirirat Wutthiyanon

Senior HR Executive

Jam has nearly 4 years of experience in HR in various functions from onboarding specialist in visa & work permits, to general HR in payroll, recruitment, or labor law. Prior to OmniRaise, Jam worked at a big Logistics company in recruitment and advanced her career to HR Business Partner in just a couple of months to manage employees and develop HR solutions, which requires effective handling in multiple tasks, and fast-tracking and planning of HR processes.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

OmniRaise opens my world in so many ways. When I first read the company’s vision, it has broadened my perspective towards NGOs and our value that gives me “challenging goals to work here”. At OmniRaise, I have gained more professional experiences in HR and I could become a great giver or consultant at once. I always love the challenges in this career path with this company; I can totally see my development and huge achievement here – not only for myself but the world too.


Your favorite causes:

I love helping animals – especially dogs. I’d love to be a part of helping them have better welfare.

Suttirak Suriyo (Arm)

Head of Face to Face

Arm graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics and initially worked in Rayong province. During his time there, he found an interest in marketing in particular face-to-face marketing. He changed his career path and worked in a marketing agency as a face-to-face salesperson for 2 years and then joined the In-house team of one of the big non-government organizations in Thailand for almost 2 years before joining Omniraise.

Arm started his career in Face to Face as a trainee however with his drive, tenacity, and commitment he was quickly promoted to Sales Manager in OmniRaise within 1 year. Arm currently leads a team of 30 staff under his leadership.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

I can see that there is a great opportunity and career growth in OmniRaise. I also believe that OmniRaise has a great management team, one that I had never come across in other companies. I also think that OmniRaise will experience more growth and that it provides various support and development for staff to enhance their knowledge, skills and experience. OmniRaise doesn’t treat their staff as just employees but more like a family.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

I love working at OmniRaise because I feel like I am part of a family and not just working for a company. If a great company culture where it not only provides a lot of professional support but offers a lot of company engagement activities like awards, regular company dinner, staff party, and outing. I am happy that I am part of this organization where we can grow and scale together. I’ve recently been assigned to support one of our new clients, Greenpeace and I feel extremely proud to inspire the public to save the world.

“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours”

Paskorn Pakdeemongkol (Nueng)


Nueng has more than 20 years of experience in Sales, Marketing, and Human Development. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering before completing a Master’s degree in Finance. He started his career working as an Engineer for 4 years at Kasikorn Bank. He wanted to broaden his skillset and develop professionally so he changed his career path to Sales.
Before joining OmniRaise, Nueng held positions in multiple international companies such as; Manager in Fuji Xerox (Thailand) and HP Inc (Thailand). He has a track record of leading sales teams of up to 100 staff across multinational organizations as well as exceeding 100 Million THB in sales.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

I have a passion for teaching and human development is borne out of wanting to help the new generation of successful young leaders and superstars and I feel that I can further develop this at OmniRaise. I am an entrepreneur by nature and I want to raise the bar of fundraising within Thai society to be a more accepted and credible concept.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

You don’t find a lot of jobs in a society where you feel like you are doing good things every day. OmniRaise provides me with an environment where I can be creative and think strategically. Working here opens up a platform for me to speak openly, think outside of the box, and exchange ideas. Our team at OmniRaise is not afraid of failure because we believe failure is a key part of success, as cliché as it may sound I believe that whoever has never made a mistake has never done anything worth doing!


Your hobbies:

Reading novels and spending time with my children, going on family trips, and exercise.

“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence”.

Photjanart Komkhum (May)

General Manager

May has 20 years of experience in sales, consulting, customer support, and care including managing a successful sales team. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Bachelor of Arts: Major in English, Minor in Mass Communication (English Program) from Ramkhamhaeng University, and completed a Master’s Degree in Language and Communication (International Program) from the National Institute of Development Administration.
She started her career working as Duty-free Representative for 3 years at King Power Duty Free (Suvarnabhumi Airport). She realized her passion in sales and wanted to develop her skills professionally. Before she joined OmniRaise, May held positions as Sales and Student Support Manager in House of Griffin Co., Ltd. and Senior Educational Consultant (Team Leader) in Wall Street English Thailand. After only 4 months as a Training Manager in Omniraise, she has made a big mark and was promoted to Deputy General Manager.

Why did you join OmniRaise?

Working in the sales and marketing industry is my passion for meeting new people. Likewise, conversations, persuasion, and negotiation skills are essential in sales because salespeople must ensure that customers understand the products and services offered. Thus, creating a sales team is something that can be challenging but also rewarding. Training and coaching are challenging as a sales training manager enhances the person-to-person connection which is necessary to gain loyal consumers. That is the reason why I joined OmniRaise.

Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

I like to work every morning with renewed meanings and aspirations, when I know I am helping my organization become better. I feel happier when I believe that my work has more purpose and facilitates positive results. Meanwhile, working for a charity is incredibly rewarding and gives me the opportunity to make a difference and be a part of a lasting impact – it focuses on driving change and helping to improve the lives of others.


Traveling, Reading, Diving, and Gardening. 

“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard”

Katrina Li

Human Resource & Operation Admin

Katrina is a Psychology graduate and talent acquisition specialist with an interest in helping people to find the suitable workforces/workplaces possible.

With 4 years’ experience in both agency and in-house environments, Katrina has been helping her clients and the businesses find their perfect hires. She aims to move to HR Generalist as a learner who seek new ways to solve old problems, enablers who make others better, and value creators who help all stakeholders win.

Why did you join OmniRaise

The company vision and culture are always the main reasons for me to join a company. OmniRaise provides a loving and humanity environment for employees to work and grow together. I can see myself working here not just for the people within the organization, but making positive impact on people, communities, and environment.

Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

I love working in the compassionate team with people who are always helping each other without hierarchical management. I enjoy discussing with open-minded colleagues with diversity in the workplace, which enable me to learn and improve from each other.

Personal Motto

Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard

Your hobbies

Super in love with running on the track (I am still an athlete in hurdling!). I enjoy listening to music, reading, and watching movies. I like travelling to explore the planet we are living on!

“Have a big heart! When everything is gone in this world, money cannot be eaten”

Joel Tan

Senior Face to Face Manager

Joel has over 5 years’ experience in fundraising. He started his career from scratch with an outsource sales and marketing company in 2012. During 2015, he was recruited as a team leader with International NGO, WWF Singapore, to launch Singapore’s 1st in-house fundraising program. During his 2 years, he managed to grow and mentor the in-house fundraising team from 2 to over 60 staff with his 16 middle management staffs within a fundraising department. He also contributed to the success of field marketing/sales in the WWF Asia Pacific Region involving three short secondments to Malaysia, India, and Philippines offices. He has the willingness to roll up his sleeves and drive performance by leading from the front. Having a very structured, disciplined approach to fundraising that ensures WWF maintains a good consistency in quality and sales processes across the teams.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

OmniRaise provides a proper & structured platform that is very different from a typical corporate world. They believe in motivating and supporting individuals in terms of personal development and career growth. As a Senior F2F Manager, I gained a lot of different experiences through overseas opportunities to increase my exposure around the world.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

Being part of a big team where everyone has the same goal to be a 2nd voice for the causes of our collaborating partners. Whether it is supporting our one & only EARTH or the unfortunate around the world, this motivates me and my team to deliver even higher standards in results and take pride in the things we do.


Watching soccer. Spending time with loved ones. See people grow in life.

“Do the right thing even when no one is watching you as Integrity brings you places and wonders. Respect is earned thru integrity.”

Rabiya Wyne Nwe Oo

Face to Face Manager

Rabiya came from Banking and Jurisprudence Background. Prior to OmniRaisem, she worked as Senior Executive in Cognizant and Google Malaysia for a year and a half. In addition, she also has her diverse work experiences as Sales Executive in Multipurpose Insurance Company, as well as supervisor at Tealive.

Why did you join OmniRaise?

OmniRaise has career progression/growth opportunities for everyone with various different backgrounds. Just like every OmniRaise, the reason lies in the desire to leave an impact and make a difference in various social groups that need our constant and continuous support. Huge passion in humanitarian and environmental causes.

Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

I love working here because of the supportive and encouraging teammates. Also, we all are able to represent the world’s leading humanitarian and environmental organizations. A the end, OmniRaise provides room for personal development and growth.

Your favorite causes


Personal Motto

“Do the right thing even when no one is watching you as Integrity brings you places and wonders. Respect is earned thru integrity.”

Your hobbies

Travelling, Reading and Café Hopping

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Balkish Pryadhashiny Theagarajan

People Operations Manager

Balkish came from a Psychology background, graduated from HELP University in Bachelor of Psychology. Early on, Balkish worked in different roles ranging from a waitress to a teacher before finally joining Shopee as an intern where she was promoted to a role in HR.

However, her passion was always about serving other Balkish always dreamt of being a representative for the United Nations and she felt she found what she was looking for in Omniraise.

Why did you join OmniRaise?

At the age of 19, I wrote on a small piece of paper saying that I wanted to represent the United nation in any way that I can whether directly or indirectly. Also not many think about “building” a career in the service line. There is always that thought that to give back you need to be rich to do so and if you start your career of being in the service line you can’t have a proper lifestyle. When I found Omniraise I just thought it is a match made in heaven not only o can be in the service line but i can’t build a career out of it the same time, as a bonus, they happen to have UN as their client. So I leaped at the opportunity of leaving my stable job from Shopee Mobile and started from scratch as a F2F Fundraiser here in Omniraise.

Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

Working here I’ve learned that it’s not just about dreaming to succeed, but having that clear vision to find it, the courage to get on it, and the perseverance to follow it. So dare to dream but get ready to work for it

Your favorite causes

Growing up with a younger brother that has Down Syndrome any cause that helps parents and those who have special needs will always stay dear to my heart. But being someone who is an animal lover and loves to be children, WWF and Unicef are some of the many organizations I look up to.

Personal Motto

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

Your hobbies

Loves any sort of sport, flag football, hiking, football, and Family time!

“No pain, no gain, there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”.

Liz Pak

HR Manager

Liz has more than 10 years’ experience in HR and non HR roles. She started her career in customer service and moved to HR generalist after she completed a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She is well experienced in HR operations and helps the organization cultivate new culture. Liz is experienced in recruiting and mentoring salespeople. She always works hand-in-hand with the sales team to bring up company revenue. Liz enjoys working in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. She likes changes and ready for changes in any part of the HR process.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

It’s simple, I read the company’s mission and vision. After finding out more information about Omniraise from social media, I can clearly see how my goals align with the purposes of the company. Giving back and volunteering is a significant part of my own personal values, and I remember feeling excited that a company values the community as much as I do.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

I love diversity, it means I am always learning. I love being a part of something larger that makes a difference. I love that everyone cares and that you have flexibility when needed.


Reading, jogging, traveling, and blogging. And, I love everything related to art & creativity

“There are only two types of people in this world. Those that take from the world and those that give to the world. I chose the latter. As Mahatma Gandhi once quote, we must become the change we wish to see in the world.”

Victor Lim

Head of Face to Face - Penang & Jahor Bahru

Victor has been engaged with non-profit organizations since the age of 21 working in the slums of India and involved in a few relief efforts like the 2004 Tsunami. In 2013 he founded Fingate Foundation a non-profit financial literacy organization and was actively teaching across India and south-east Asia. With a Degree in Psychology and years of working in extremely poverty-stricken areas, Victor recognizes the significant roles of NGOs and NPOs in alleviating human sufferings from political, social, cultural, and environmental impact.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

OmniRaise plays a substantial role with its partners that brings actual transformation to this world. Having a humanitarian heart, I can greatly multiply my contributions through OmniRaise’s well-developed platforms. As a F2F Manager, OmniRaise provides me with unfathomable training and opportunities to expand my growth, not just as a professional in the corporate field but also as a human being in this world.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

I love working in OmniRaise because of its great culture that flows down from its directors. Everyone gets equal opportunities to learn, make mistakes, grow, and progress. Even in its pioneering stages of incorporation, OmniRaise develops well organizational structures in all its departments and continues to seek excellence as a world-class company!


I enjoy working out at the gym and hiking. Playing musical instruments and sing. Backpacking and diving.

“Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do”.

Kavitha Mano Karen

Head of Telemarketing

Kavitha has 10 years of experience in Tele Marketing and customer experience in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) call center industry. She graduated with a Diploma in Pharmacy from the local university. Kavitha started her career working as a call center agent in one of the leading BPO Company SRG Asia Pacific. After 2 years she was promoted to be Team Lead and given the privilege to lead a team of 15-20 staff. She was quickly progressed to Senior Team Leader. Kavitha is a result-driven person when it comes to sales and is approachable due to her warm personality. One of her key strength is engaging with people and she loves to bring the best out of people


Why did you join OmniRaise?

NGO like OmniRaise is a challenging field of work and the reason I joined is that I love to challenge myself in this kind of field and it will give me the opportunity to embrace myself in the future. OmniRaise is a multi-racial company that provides me with a cross-cultural experience. I believe that this organization will take me to the next step of my life on a professional level. Nevertheless that with my experience I would like to give back to the world.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

The main reason I love to work in this place is because of the people and the environment. My leaders are very supportive and provide me with all the support that I need; also they make sure that I am comfortable with my profession. The positive vibes around the office make it happier to come to work on a daily basis.



Watch movies, going for a short vacation, and spending quality time with my family.

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”


Regional HR Director

Liana graduated as an Organisational Psychologist. Liana is our Singapore-based HR generalist with more than 15 years experience of HR practices and employee management to drive HR solutions.
Liana enjoys working at an accelerated pace and built her portfolio from working as a multi-faceted HR practitioner in Singapore from various industries such as Kidzania, Changi Airport (King Power), Bintai Kindenko, WWF, and Reebonz. She measures her success through the success of others, coming up with innovative and effective initiatives to drive people and culture strategies.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

I was inspired by the compelling vision of OmniRaise who supports the biggest NGOs in making the planet a better world for everyone. With its rigorous focus, OmniRaise has an impact few agencies can match. On the professional level, it provides me a new learning perspective since the fundraising business has a different HR concept and approach, unlike conventional HR practices.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

Founders and employees work together; there’s no middle management, so you learn from the best.



Diving, reading, and watching documentaries

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

Tan Wui Li

Regional Financial Controller

Wui Li has over 12 years of experience in finance and accounting. Wui Li was a former Big 4 Audit Manager with experience as a Financial Controller with key accomplishments such as successfully listing a Construction Company in Bursa Malaysia, involved in merger & acquisition, obtaining financing, and overseas expansion of a food distributor.

Instead of continuing my path with large MNCs, I chose the path of becoming a trusted business partner/advisor to entrepreneurs to help them corporatize their business and bring up the standards of finances, team, and policies to another level.

Wui Li is a Chartered Accountant in Malaysia with the following educational background:
i) FCCA (Fellow Chartered and Certified Accountant under ACCA)
ii) First Class Honors Bachelor of Science in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University
iii) Certified Investor Relations (“CIR”)


Why did you join OmniRaise?

The challenge of setting up the regional finance functions as well as overseas expansion.

As we continue to expand OmniRaise throughout Asia and grow our existing businesses, we are able to help key customers such as UNICEF / WWF / UNHCR / Greenpeace reach out to the untapped Asia market and contribute towards a greater cause. This will also open up opportunities for us to tap into new customers as more companies will look to outsource their fundraising team/marketing/sales team because the cost to maintain an internal team becomes more expensive.

Also, my mom survived cancer and is free of cancer for more than 10 years. Thus, it felt right to contribute towards an organization that helps raise funds for the National Cancer Society Malaysia.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

Knowing that I can make an impact whether it’s the improvement of processes, providing financials that bring meaning to users of the financials, overseas expansion, tax planning, mentoring / guiding team members, etc.


Your favorite causes:

WWF and Malaysia NGOs (Rumah Hope, Woman’s Aid Organisation, and National Cancer Society Malaysia)



Personal Development (podcasts, books), Travelling, and Food.

Gordon McCrindle

Regional Client Services Director

Gordon started off as an outreach worker for the UK’s The Prince’s Trust and represented them as an Ambassador at high level fundraising events as well as working alongside The Department for International Development on projects in Northern India, before beginning his fundraising career in Scotland, where he progressed swiftly within the industry. He has also worked in Australia and New Zealand as a fundraising consultant for NGOs, before joining the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Malaysia, where he was the Country Operations Manager for face-to-face (F2F) and delivered exponential and sustainable growth over almost four years. Today, a lot of the strategies implemented by Gordon have now been expanded and adopted to form the basis and best practice of regional F2F teams for UNICEF. He has worked closely with neighbouring UNICEF Country Offices in the region such as Indonesia and the Philippines and is regularly approached for his expert insights. After four years in Malaysia, he took up a posting with UNICEF India, serving as the F2F Operations Specialist for a year in Delhi. Gordon’s expertise in fundraising has seen him presenting on fundraising in Croatia, Portugal, and Thailand. He is widely regarded as one of the best fundraising operations managers in the industry with extensive experience of the region. Coupled with his love for charity and social work, Gordon will bring a fresh perspective to client management, and is passionate about providing the best service to our clients and their stakeholders.


Enjoying football and boxing. Active in CrossFit, and loves to go on food adventures with his fiancé and their dog!

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t,
you’re right.”

Aaron Norman

Co-Founder & Director of Digital, IT, Data and Compliance

Aaron’s passion for fundraising started in 2006 when he joined a fundraising agency in Sydney, Australia. He quickly progressed from a fundraiser to coach, team leader, and beyond. Within 4 years he was managing up to 100 staff, with 12 direct reports across two countries (Australia and New Zealand), and achieving some of the strongest Telemarketing results across these markets. After 10 years of working in fundraising in Australia/New Zealand and obtaining the role of General Manager for Telefundraising Operations, Aaron decided to broaden his experience and move to London, UK. It was here where Aaron fine-tuned his skills working with Amnesty International UK and most recently, holding the position of Global Telemarketing Specialist for Amnesty International Secretariat.
As Global TM Specialist for AI Secretariat, Aaron worked across markets in Europe, Americas, and Asia implementing new TM strategies, launching Inhouse teams, and focused on the continued improvement and increased performance of Telemarketing as a whole, this was achieved by working closely with all channels – Digital, DRTV, and F2F. Most notable due to Aaron’s direction and input, multiple markets in Amnesty International improved their Telemarketing performance with their largest market (USA) tripling results and revenue compared to the historical performance..

In 2018, Aaron and Luke set up OmniRaise with the determination to raise the bar for fundraising in Asia. Supporting organizations to meet their growth goals, allowing them to focus on delivering the highest possible impact.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

After working with Amnesty International across multiple regions I found that Asia had a clear gap for quality fundraising agencies. I wanted to create an organization that could support all charities in meeting their growth goals and strengthen proven channels that continue to allow charities to deliver effective

impact. On top of this, I can support the next generation on fundraisers. I originally developed my fundraising skills working for an agency and was able to use these skills directly within an organization/cause I care deeply about. I hope fundraisers who work with OmniRaise eventually go on to help strengthen the entire sector with the skills they develop here.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

For me, there are three key areas I love about OmniRaise:
1. The fact that I come to work and raise funds for some of the best causes. I feel like I can directly make an impact by increasing the reach of amazing organizations.
2. I support the growth and development of talented individuals, seeing them develop their professional and personal life. It’s amazing to see the transformation people go through as fundraisers.
3. The team culture and sense of purpose from everyone at OmniRaise is inspiring and continually motivating. Being part of this energy gives me constant motivation to push and develop my own skills.”



Traveling, food, and monopoly deal… in no particular order.

“Fall down seven times,
stand up eight.”

Luke Heffernan

Co-Founder, Managing Director

Luke has over 15 years’ experience in fundraising. He started his career as a fundraiser at university and worked his way from the ground up to senior fundraising and marketing management roles in Australia. In his time in Australia, he was GM for Australia’s largest phone agency, launched a start-up corporate giving platform which became the fastest growing platform for employee giving in Australia, and set up a new branch of a fundraising agency in NZ. His most recent role was based out of Singapore, where he was Marketing and Fundraising Director for WWF. In his time there, he grew WWF’s marketing team from one of the smallest teams in the network to one of the largest in the world with 100 staff. He doubled revenue in 2 years also contributing to regional growth in face-to-face fundraising revenue in offices like the Philippines, Malaysia, and India. In 2018 Luke set up Omniraise with a vision to raise the bar for fundraising in Asia and build a next-generation agency that will attract the best and brightest to become fundraisers and marketers for the NGO sector in Asia.


Why did you join OmniRaise?

NGOs are looking to increase their impact and raise more funds than ever for their cause, but there’s a lack of experienced marketing agencies in Asia to provide that expertise and capacity to generate funds at scale. Most of the fundraising dollars have been raised from Europe and America in the past, but Asia is the next big thing for fundraising. At the same time, I can see young people yearn for more meaning and purpose in their careers, and I see fundraising as one of the best careers to meet that burning desire for purpose and to make a difference.


Why do you love working at OmniRaise?

First and foremost, it’s our people – I love seeing people grow and achieve great things for our partners. Everyone shares a sense of purpose and fun. I also love the diversity of people we can work with across our offices in Asia. Seeing the impact our work creates for our clients keeps us inspired every day.



I am a bit of a fitness fanatic – cycling, swimming, crossfit, running – and now venturing into Muay Thai boxing! Food, reading, and travel are my other hobbies!