Background & Experience. Why did you join OmniRaise?
I had worked in various kinds of jobs and businesses. Throwback to 10 years ago, I started my first job with a fundraising company, I did not really know about this business. I have been working so hard even on my off days, I rarely took it because it was the only way I can earn income at that time. Until I fell sick, I realized that all the income I got was for healing my health, not for my happiness. Then I changed my job as a sales manager in the motorbike field, sales in sport course for kids, sales in fitness, hotel manager and banker. Everyone might say that banker is the proudest and easiest job, but it was quite tough during my 2 years working. So I decided to quit and looked for a new job. One day in the evening, there was a mystery phone call and said that it was HR from a sales and marketing company named OmniRaise. They said they found my phone number from a career website that I updated 8 years ago and invited me to an interview. I still remember the first time I met Luke, he was friendly and kind, he told me that I could earn income in many ways without ruining my health. That was the big chance for me to come back and work in the fundraising industry again and it was totally different than the first time. I would like to say thank you Luke and Aaron for giving me a chance to be an OmniRaiser.
What made you successful and become an Assistant Manager?
Before I got to this point of success, I have done lots of trial and error until I felt like the fundraising business might not be suitable for me. So, I used to think that I would only work on my own, and I would not support my team members. For more than a year, I have worked in a Team leader position, until I have a chance to talk with P’May, our Deputy GM. She encouraged me and helped me clearly see the path to success which I have to be a good team player supporting team members and Team Leaders. After that I have been working so hard and smart, I became Senior Team Leader in 5 months. Three months later, I got promoted to be Assistant Manager, and I will be continuing to be a Manager.
Words of encouragement?
Our job is valuable and useful for ourselves and many people. Be proud to work as a fundraiser and value your job because not everyone can do it. Finally, everyone can be successful in this fundraising industry, just open your mind and work hard on your job. OmniRaise family is here to support and looking forward to seeing everyone’s success.